Dis weer winter, tyd vir wolkomberse en warm wolklere. Die Mebala-bala-projek bied vanjaar twee geleenthede aan om almal “wolwys” te maak. Met breinaald en hekelpen kan mense help om ‘n mosaïek-wolkunswerk van 5 247 wolblokkies te skep. Dan word verskeie werkswinkels ook aangebied waarmee vaardighede in onder meer weef- en kwiltwerk, viltmakery, tolletjiebrei, Franse naaldkuns en lappopmakery aangeleer kan word. Hierdie kleurvolle projek wil die gemeenskap bymekaarbring en bewustheid kweek oor die waarde en potensiaal van wol en handwerk.
It’s winter again, time for woollen blankets and warm clothes. The Mebala-bala project offers two opportunities this year to make everyone more “wool-wise”. With knitting needles and crochet hooks, people can help create a mosaic artwork made up of 5 247 wool blocks. Several workshops are also offered to learn skills such as weaving, quilting, felting, French needlework, and doll making. This colourful project aims to bring the community together and raise awareness about the value and potential of wool and handicrafts.